Monday, September 27, 2010

Bamboo Big Dome Construction 1

24th Sep 2010 ,we been introduce about the construction of bamboo big dome...1st,we need register our name under different strut code,different colour and part.....

everyone were rush to register their name, all girls......where boy going???

with our friend help ,we register our name at strut code : S2A1-1/2 , Strut C ( Blue )....

after class ,we go rumpun buluh site to find our bamboo.....each of us need sawn 2bamboo with measurement 2.503meter......

wow.....someone were early than us....almost all are from hostel RST....

not every bamboo suitable in making the big dome.....we need the bamboo who have the diameter 7.5cm to we need measure it 1 by 1...

found the suitable bamboo.....pull it out....

another step ,measure and mark it at measurement 2.503cm.....

still finding the suitable bamboo.....

sawn bamboo.....

after sawn the bamboo with the right measurement ,we gather it beside road...began mark our nickname on it...avoid some careless people taking our bamboo....
finish prepare our bamboo.....

while we on the way back USM ,the cows finally got chance go out from the forest of Rumpun Buluh site.......

Bamboo Big Dome Construction 2

27th Sep 2010 ,please bring all our struts to hbp.....
omg.....i receive this news when my friend inform me at 7am ,on the bed....

Rush to Rumpun Buluh with friend to carry the bamboo struts...because we don't want waste our strength,we choose teamwork on the way bring bamboo to hbp.....

carry the bamboo to the hillside at tapak palapes,near hostel Indah Kembara.....

roll the bamboo to the hillside.......

receive bamboo .....

however he bus only send us arrive the Dewan Budaya....but also thank for the purple colour bus driver who are willing taking us and our bamboo......the bus are full by all hbp 1st year student and our bamboo.....

arrive Dewan Budaya ,carry the bamboo out of the bus.... teamwork....pass the bamboo 1 by 1.....

the bamboo with the polypipe joints connector......this also what we need to produce before Friday......

each section have 1 X-men ,who are responsible in helping us when making the bamboo with the polypipe joints connector......X-men were explain to us the way to produce the bamboo with the joints connector.....

after learn how to produce the bamboo with polypipe,we discover some bamboo cannot be use.....because the bamboo too thin ,cannot fit the polypipe.....
so we go back to Rumpun Buluh , find the suitable bamboo again.....the bamboo was mess up by us.....

found the suitable bamboo.....measure it with the correct measurement ,and sawn it.....

sawn the bamboo with the ''funny saw''.....this saw less screw ,so we just pick a wood stick replace the screw.....

carry the bamboo back to hbp again.....redo the step on this morning......
after we measure the bamboo,we discover some bamboo too thick ,need make it thinness to fit the polypipe......

who say girls cannot do the men job???
i believe we can do this job more better than any guy!!!!!
i also believe studio 101 can practice all hbp girl become more and more ''man''!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Yahudi Monument

This time our lecturer : Mr.Wan Burhanuddin ,give us a chance to travel Penang ,to find the Yahudi Monument or Penang Jewish Cemetery....

Penang Jewish Cemetery,established in 1805, is believed to be the oldest single monument of Yahudi in Malaysia....The descendants of Malaysian Jews are mainly seen in Singapore, they are also many of them in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK and USA but their numbers are unknown.

Jewish Cemetery,located at Jalan Zainal Abidin , formerly is Jalan Yahudi...This place near with Komtar, between Jalan Burmah and Macalister Road can arrive there by taking bus....

On the way finding Jalan Zainal Abidin.....

Finally,we found it...this 2picture below,hard to take,because i need stand on centre of the road,while i found many driver feel we were crazy....

arrive Jewish Cemetery.....

while wait the guardian of Jewish Cemetery keep their dog away......

Proven monument Yahudi.....

The Yahudi Monument.....i think more than 1oo....

this Indian auntie is the guardian at Jewish Cemetery....she explain to us about history of this place....according she say ,the guardian of this Jewish Cemetery from generation to generation,she become guardian since his father died.....become the guardian doesn't have any salary or any benefit ,the government doesn't give them any incentive,just let them live at that place FOC.....they just depend on some money given by they not the rich guardian.... the auntie also say she doesn't saw or haunted by the roh or ghost ,since they live here more than 50year....

this is the guardian house....

beside the monument from people,we also found the military cemetery.....

we found many type of monument.....duno the owner are male or female.....

this is the captain monument and his grandson monument.....the auntie say the captain granson died because of accident.....

the group picture....

on the way back USM....

besise visit the Jewish Cemetery,we also require to design our own monument.....
so,this is my monument....simple,just like the bamboo growth on the land......